Monday, September 21, 2009

life life life life life life

I don't know. Everything, it's all just very interesting.

Like how we freak out.
How things turn around.
How years of mild frustration and confusion can be resolved in a single honest conversation.
How we come together.
How we drift apart.
And most notoriously, how we miscommunicate.

For me, there's been a lot to take in over the last month or so, and I'm fairly confident that, for the most part, I've been dealing with things well. But there might be people that will disagree with that. But that's okay.

When I get over my feelings and really think about it, change is amazing.
If not for any other reason than the fact that it's a great catalyst for new and good opportunities.

Anyway, I've been pretty excited recently because I've decided to dive back into this one certain art form that I sort of drifted away from since high school.

I won't deny that it could possibly be my own way of lashing out or something.
But it's a good outlet, I promise. I'm really excited about it.

yay k bye

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